Pomůcky pro školáky, Page 3
Pastelky, tužky, voskovky
Pera, propisky, příslušenství
Nůžky, lepidla, plastelíny
Pravítka, obaly, desky
Ořezávátka, pryže, kružítka
Pouzdra, penály
Aktovky, batohy
Barvy, štětce, příslušenství
Fixy, popisovače
Zápisníky, sešity, tiskoviny
Sady školních pomůcek

Dermatologically tested modeling clay in pastel colors, for all creative children.

A playful pen and a notebook with a lock will keep all your secrets, big and small.

Gift set of school supplies with a Gorjuss doll motif.

A designer set of school supplies for young and old schoolchildren.

A designer set of school supplies for young and old schoolchildren.

A designer set of school supplies for young and old schoolchildren.

Sheets with a ring binder for foils, for storing documents and notebooks.

A stylish pencil case with full features, for all children who like Minnie Mouse.

A wonderful set of school supplies with a case in a Marvel/Avengers design.

A notebook for fans of the Star Wars saga.

Gift notebook with practical loops for writing instruments.

A cuddly and cuddly plush notebook. It's so fluffy!

Modern notebook with lines, for school and office.

The LCD drawing board will keep children entertained at home and on vacation.

A designer set of school supplies for young and old schoolchildren.

A designer set of school supplies for young and old schoolchildren.