Pomůcky pro školáky, Page 6
Pastelky, tužky, voskovky
Pera, propisky, příslušenství
Nůžky, lepidla, plastelíny
Pravítka, obaly, desky
Ořezávátka, pryže, kružítka
Pouzdra, penály
Aktovky, batohy
Barvy, štětce, příslušenství
Fixy, popisovače
Zápisníky, sešity, tiskoviny
Sady školních pomůcek

A cheerful set of basic school supplies with a Snoopy dog motif.

Universal pocket for the frame of a school desk.

Stylish notepad for notes/messages in the shape of a comic bubble.

Unconventional markers with a tip that creates two colored marks on paper.

Self-adhesive cover that adapts to any size notebook/book.

High-quality watercolors with interchangeable colors.

A magical gift box with school supplies for older schoolchildren.

Jumbo markers for small children's hands.

High-quality crayons in black wood, hiding neon and pastel shades.

A set of crayons for beginning artists and children.

A set of basic supplies for schoolchildren in a scented version.

Wonderful watercolor crayons not only in fashionable pastel shades.