Pomůcky pro školáky, Page 7
Pastelky, tužky, voskovky
Pera, propisky, příslušenství
Nůžky, lepidla, plastelíny
Pravítka, obaly, desky
Ořezávátka, pryže, kružítka
Pouzdra, penály
Aktovky, batohy
Barvy, štětce, příslušenství
Fixy, popisovače
Zápisníky, sešity, tiskoviny
Sady školních pomůcek

Great crayons in trendy pastel colors, at a great price.

We all make mistakes, with this eraser they will disappear elegantly.

Practical and stylish crayons with fairies for little girls.

A stylish writing set for all little and big boys.

An eight-color pen, plus a scented refill, that's a blast!

Fun painting with the help of creative foam brushes.

Fun painting with the help of creative foam brushes.

A set of quality brushes for various painting techniques in a fresh unicorn-style design.

A set of quality brushes for various painting techniques in a fresh unicorn-style design.

Colorful rubber bands with the motif of the popular Frozen.

Jumbo crayons in elegant black wood with a metallic effect.

Jumbo crayons in elegant black wood with a neon effect.

A simple case made of sturdy fabric with a zebra motif.

Stylish notebooks not only for all your secret wishes, but also for experiences from everyday life.

Excellent crayons in a wooden box with a sliding lid.

A magical set of glitter crayons in a designer cartridge.