Nabídka pro školy a školky, Page 6
Pastelky, popisovače, pera
Vodové, temperové barvy a příslušenství
Pryže, ořezávátka, nůžky, lepidla
Papíry, sešity, zápisníky
Počet kusů

Water painting, without erasing, for small and older children, in super large XXL size.

A set of basic supplies for schoolchildren in a scented version.

A magical reindeer to paint, as an original decoration for a child's room.

An easy-to-assemble nativity scene for cozy Christmas moments.

Great crayons in trendy pastel colors, at a great price.

We all make mistakes, with this eraser they will disappear elegantly.

Practical and stylish crayons with fairies for little girls.

Contour pencils easily create the perfect mask on your face. They even glow in the dark!

Fun painting with the help of creative foam brushes.

Fun painting with the help of creative foam brushes.

A set of gears and templates for creating wonderful spirals and decorative circles.