Sešity se samolepkami, Page 2

Creative set with a pad, a set of stickers and crayons in a Harry Potter design.

A unique sticker book with tasks, puzzles and riddles for all curious children.

A wonderful notebook with stickers featuring prehistoric lizards.

A notebook with stickers that can be used repeatedly to create new and new collages with interesting places in Prague.

Children love notebooks with stickers. They can stick, combine and play without limits, as far as the fantasy world of the colorful Middle Ages can go.

Children love notebooks with stickers. Sticking, combining and playing without limits, as far as the fantasy world of ancient Greece can reach.

Children love notebooks with stickers. They can stick, combine and play without limits, as far as the world of fantasy and prehistory can reach.

Children love notebooks with stickers. They can stick, combine and play without limits, wherever the world of imagination reaches.

Create your own original diary with Ylva's animals.

Decorate your room with a beautiful poster.